3 min read

10 Protective Prayers to Shield You from Harm Throughout the Day

10 Protective Prayers to Shield You from Harm Throughout the Day

Life can be full of surprises, and sometimes we need a little extra protection to feel safe. Here are ten unique and heartfelt prayers to help shield you from harm throughout the day.

1. Prayer For A Calm Morning Start

Prayer For A Calm Morning Start
Dear God, as the sun rises, fill my heart with peace and my mind with calm. Shield me from any stress or worry that may try to creep in. Let my day begin with your grace, guiding me gently into the hours ahead. Keep all harm at bay and wrap me in your protective embrace. Amen.

2. Prayer For Safe Travels

Prayer For Safe Travels
Lord, as I step out today, I ask for your protection over my journey. Whether by foot, car, or plane, please keep me safe. Surround me with your angels and ensure that I arrive at my destination without harm. Let no obstacle or danger come my way. Amen.

3. Prayer For Strength At Work

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