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10 Prayers to Extend Grace and Compassion to Yourself and Others​​

10 Prayers to Extend Grace and Compassion to Yourself and Others​​

Do you want to experience the freedom and inner peace that comes with forgiveness? These 10 prayers will help you extend grace and compassion to yourself and others.

1. Prayer For When You Need to Forgive Yourself

Dear God, I've been holding onto guilt and shame for too long. I know that You love me unconditionally, and I want to learn to love myself that way, too. Help me to forgive myself for my mistakes and shortcomings. Remind me that I am worthy of grace and compassion, just as I am. Guide me to let go of the past and embrace the present with a heart full of self-love and acceptance. Amen.

2. Prayer For Forgiving Someone Who Hurt You Deeply

Heavenly Father, I come to You with a heavy heart. Someone I trusted has hurt me deeply, and I'm struggling to forgive them. I know that holding onto this pain only hurts me more. Please give me the strength and courage to release this burden and extend forgiveness, even if they don't deserve it. Help me to see them through Your eyes of love and compassion. I trust in Your healing power to restore my heart. Amen.

3. Prayer For Letting Go of Resentment

Dear Lord, I've been carrying the weight of resentment for far too long. It's consuming my thoughts and draining my energy. I know that harboring these negative feelings only holds me back from living the abundant life You have planned for me. Help me to release this resentment and replace it with forgiveness and understanding. Grant me the peace that comes with letting go and moving forward. Amen.

4. Prayer For Showing Compassion to Someone Who Wronged You

Loving God, someone has wronged me, and I'm finding it difficult to show them compassion. I know that You call us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. Give me the grace to see this person through Your eyes and respond with kindness, even when it's hard. Help me to remember that everyone is fighting their own battles and deserves compassion. Soften my heart and guide my actions. Amen.

5. Prayer For Forgiving Yourself for Past Regrets

Gracious God, I've been carrying the burden of past regrets for too long. I keep replaying my mistakes in my mind, and it's holding me back from living fully in the present. I know that You offer forgiveness and new beginnings. Help me to extend that same grace and compassion to myself. Remind me that my past does not define me and that I am worthy of forgiveness and love. Amen.

6. Prayer For Healing a Broken Relationship

Dear Heavenly Father, there is a broken relationship in my life that I desperately want to heal. I know that forgiveness is the key to restoration, but it feels so hard right now. Please guide my heart and give me the wisdom to know how to extend grace and compassion in this situation. Soften both of our hearts and help us to communicate with love and understanding. I trust in Your power to heal and restore. Amen.

7. Prayer For Extending Grace to Someone Who Keeps Hurting You

Dear God, there is someone in my life who keeps hurting me, and I'm struggling to extend grace to them. I feel like I'm reaching my limit, but I know that You call us to forgive seventy times seven. Give me the strength to keep showing up with compassion, even when it feels undeserved. Help me to set healthy boundaries while still extending love and grace. I trust in Your protection and guidance. Amen.

8. Prayer For Practicing Self-Compassion

Loving Father, I often find it easier to show compassion to others than to myself. I'm quick to criticize and judge myself harshly. Help me to treat myself with the same kindness and understanding that I would extend to a good friend. Remind me that I am Your beloved child, worthy of love and grace. Teach me to be gentle with myself and to practice self-compassion daily. Amen.

9. Prayer For Forgiving Someone Who Betrayed Your Trust

Dear God, I've been betrayed by someone I trusted deeply. The pain feels overwhelming, and I don't know how to move forward. I know that forgiveness is the path to healing, but it feels impossible right now. Please guide my heart and give me the strength to release this hurt. Help me to forgive, not because they deserve it, but because I deserve peace. I trust in Your healing power. Amen.

10. Prayer For Living a Life Rooted in Grace and Compassion

Gracious Heavenly Father, I want to live a life rooted in grace and compassion. Help me to extend forgiveness freely, both to myself and others. Remind me that everyone is fighting their own battles and deserves understanding and love. Guide my words and actions to reflect Your heart of compassion. May my life be a testament to the power of forgiveness and the freedom it brings. Amen.